Why does the Mekhilta single out ethical business practice as
‘what is right in God’s sight’?
Does it add something to what Rava said?
We looked at three main sources – Rava’s comment that people are asked at their judgement “Did you deal faithfully in business”; the Mekhilta that says doing what’s right in business is equivalent to the whole Torah; and the story of R’Shimon ben Shetach and the diamond.
Jo & Ana and Abi all made suggestions and asked questions about what it really means “to be faithful in business” – whether it means to be trustworthy, or to act imbued with a sense of your religious responsibilities, or the prospect of a final judgement.
Rotem and Didi talked about the “mundane” or ordinary aspects of our working lives, and why that might be important and meaningful .
Finally, Judith and Ana and Udi talked about the Shimon ben Shetach story and how it related to the other sources – does it complement them? Does it contradict them?