
The Limmud Sugia Social Beit Midrash


Faith or Business

Faith or Business

Why does Rava equate faith (emunah) with dealing faithfully in business?

God and Business

God and Business

Why does the Mekhilta single out ethical business practice as
‘what is right in God’s sight’?

Does it add something to what Rava said?

Lost Items

Lost Items

What’s the significance of the Shimon ben Shetach’s

lost and found story?


We looked at three main sources – Rava’s comment that people are asked at their judgement “Did you deal faithfully in business”; the Mekhilta that says doing what’s right in business is equivalent to the whole Torah; and the story of R’Shimon ben Shetach and the diamond.

Jo & Ana and Abi all made suggestions and asked questions about what it really means “to be faithful in business” – whether it means to be trustworthy, or to act imbued with a sense of your religious responsibilities, or the prospect of a final judgement.

Rotem and Didi talked about the “mundane” or ordinary aspects of our working lives, and why that might be important and meaningful .

Finally, Judith and Ana  and Udi talked about the Shimon ben Shetach story and how it related to the other sources – does it complement them? Does it contradict them?