
The Limmud Sugia Social Beit Midrash

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Was the oral Torah was given at Sinai?

Once upon a time,

while walking on the road,

a “heretic” man,

who has learned the bible,

approached me and proclaimed:

The written Torah was given at Sinai

The oral Torah was not!

I replied: “My son, both the written and the oral Torah

were revealed from the mouth of the almighty”!

And to explain the difference,

I offered the following parable:

There was a king who had two servants,

both of whom he loved dearly

He gave to both of them a KAV (a portion) of wheat

and a KAV of linen.

The wise one took the wheat and made flour –

he winnowed, grounded, poured water,

kneaded and baked it, making bread out of it.

He took the linen and wove it into a table cloth

and upon it placed the bread.

And the fool? – He left it and did nothing

After a while the king came to visit them.

Upon asking to see what he had previously given to them,

The wise one spread the table cloth

and served the bread on it.

And the fool?

He showed the linen and he showed the wheat

–And the fool? Oy! what shame!,

Oy what an embarrassment!

