
The Limmud Sugia Social Beit Midrash

| מקורות

Rabbi Kook on the Song of Songs

What is the purpose of Literature, and Art in general? The purpose of Art, in all its forms, is to give expression to every concept, [to bring to action להוציא אל הפועל כל המוסגים הרוחניים המוטבעים] every emotion, and every thought found in the depths of the human soul. As long as even one quality remains concealed within the soul, it is the responsibility of the artist to reveal it.

Of course, artistic expression is not without boundaries and limits. The artist is duty-bound to create and express as long as his art serves to enrich and ennoble life. Some matters, however, are best left hidden. For such topics, the artist should use his figurative shovel, to bury and cover (cf. Deut. 23:24). Woe to the author who uses his artistic tools for the opposite purpose, to uncover and reveal unseemly matters, thus polluting the general atmosphere.

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