
The Limmud Sugia Social Beit Midrash


The fruitful and multiplying Torah

“The words of the wise are like goads,

and like nails planted so are the words of the men of the assemblies
which are given by one shepherd.” [Eccl. xii 2]:

“Planted”;as a plant is fruitful and multiplies, so are the words of Torah.

“The men of assemblies”: those are the scholars who sit in assembly,

discussing Torah: some declare “Pure”!, others : “Impure!,

these prohibit and those allow,

these make valid, those make invalid.

One might say: If it is so, how can I learn Torah?

Therefore it is written: “Given by one shepherd.”

One God gave them,

and one Master said them from the mount of the Lord of all creatures,

blessed be He,

So should listen attentively,

and gain an understanding heart to comprehend the reasons.

Why these proclaimed “Impure”

And the others : Pure!



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