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Learning Torah | Discussion Page


Learning Torah

Chavruta resource learning preparing for Shavuot -Learning

<a href="http://limmud.sugia.net/source/the-mitzva-of-learning/?id=1281" target="_balnk">The Mitzva of Learning</a>

The Mitzva of Learning

Relating to this source >
1. Why are we commanded to learn?
2. Why are we commanded to teach?
3. Is learning a means to an end or an end in itself

<a href="http://limmud.sugia.net/source/you-will-understand/?id=1281" target="_blank">You Will Understand</a>

You Will Understand

Relating to this source >
1. What does it mean to “understand the fear of the Lord”?
2. What does it mean to “attain knowledge of God”?
3. Are these the same thing?
4. What is the ultimate purpose of learning?

<a href="http://limmud.sugia.net/source/learn-all-night/?id=1281" target="_blank">Learn All Night</a>

Learn All Night

Relating to this source >
1. Do you agree that most of one’s wisdom comes at night?
2. We usually sleep at night and our houses do not burn.
How do we make sense of this source?


Interim Summary

See here the full Chavruta resource book >

The tradition of studying together on Tikkun Leyl Shavuot – the eve of Shavuot
– epitomises the Jewish passion for and commitment to communal learning.

The model of Chavruta – exploring Jewish texts with a partner or a group –
creates a space for reflection, growth, participation, diversity and tolerance.
Through this resource we hope to bring together the tradition of Tikkun Leyl Shavuot
and the model of Chavruta to supplement your learning event. Read more>

The Discussion


Let the (Torah)games begin!


The first and the most important question is why and what is so important to learn?

Of course continued curiosity and learning
is a great trait for any one.
But does Torah learning have the same goals?

See here what the Torah itself says about it

Why Learn?

Why Learn?

One comment
  • x

    For me the most mportant element for learning Torah is that it connects me to my identity .

    Reading words that have been spoken by my ancestors  more then a thousand years is a feeling I cannot describe

    Levi ganz


Did you ever see the award winning  Hollywood romantic musical film
 – Directed, co-written, co-produced, and starring Barbra Streisand ?

Beside its clear  feminist message

It is one of the rare occasions that popular culture dealt with Torah learning .

But , does it ?

.What kind of learning is going on there?
Is the subtext of what makes a good chavruta (partner)  a good reflection of it ?
Who and why is considered the top of the class?

Is that why you are interested in Torah learning?

Watch  this clip  


Barbra Streisand- Yentel

Barbra Streisand- Yentel

  • x

    I think that a much more meaningful is the song she sings at the end of the film – Papa can you hear me .



    Levi ganz

  • x

    Are you sure ?
    this song ts not about learing
    but about her longing for her father.


    Udi Lion

  • x

    I think that separating one from the other – does not give the real meaning of the Torah study

    as I said  down below.

    I believe that  this is why Torah study is fundamentally different
    from any other type of learning.
    Its not about accumulating knowledge
    – but rather to embrace identity and culture
    as Levi explained.


    Rotem Tzur


Read this wonderful poem by Zelda.

1. What do you feel about  “understand the fear of the Lord”?
2. How do you  “attain knowledge of God”?
3. What is the ultimate purpose of learning?


Zelda – the poet

Zelda – the poet


i agree with Levi.
For her , learning was a way to connect with her father
He was the reason why she began learning. I think this song says it all.


Ana Perlov

One comment
  • x

    I disagree : the central motivation in the story is to become a learned “man”.

    Of-course she loves her father but the bond between them is that he believed that she can become a scholar .


    I think that there some thing very deep here
    : In the first source you gave us the content, ways of learning etc. is not elaborated. In fact It seems that there is no commandment to study yourself .
    The core is “teach your children”.

    It sounds like the chicken and egg question .but it is not .

    To have a caring meaningful relationship between parents and children
    demands the parents to “give” something to your children: the tradition and identity  passed to the younger generation.

    But it works the other way around too.

    You cannot connect to you culture and tradition
    if you don’t have a meaningful relationship with your parents.


    Rotem Tzur

1, Do you agree that most of one’s wisdom comes at night?
2. We usually sleep at night and our houses do not burn-
can This source be relevant to us?.
Learn all night ?

Learn all night ?


What do you think about the meaning of learning as
Heschel speaks about  here

How is it different from other types of learning ?

Abraham Joshua Heschel

Abraham Joshua Heschel



Study and Action

Study and Action

God too Learns

God too Learns


What do you think is the relation that Heschels take
on the Sages deliberations of study and action

Abraham Joshua Heschel

Abraham Joshua Heschel


Read these two Hazal texts :  Study over Action and  “God Too Learns

Watch this fascinating videos clip with Rabbi Heschel

What do you think about these different points of view
on the ancient dilemma of theory vs. action?

Study over Action?

Study over Action?


Learning Together
Read here about the power of chavruta.

Is the purpose of learning with a partner to “sharpen each other” or to “ignite the fire” of torah?

Read this tale,
Can we find paradise through individual study? Why or why not?

Learning Together

Learning Together