
The Limmud Sugia Social Beit Midrash

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A truly free person

Rav Kook wrote:
‘Freedom (cherut) is the elevated spirit by which a person,
and the whole people,
are raised to become faithful to their independent inner selves,
to the image of God that is within them.’

A truly free person is one who succeeds in realizing their true essence,
in liberating themselves from the bonds of their impulses and material tendencies [which hold them back], and in connecting to the spiritual self which already exists within them.

This is hinted at in the way in which the Tablets were inscribed:
the Commandments were not written but engraved (charut).
The special quality inherent in engraving stone is that
the writing and the stone are not separate,
but form a single entity;
the letters become part of the stone.

The Torah is not external to humankind
but an inherent part of the human essence;
thus one who engages in Torah study
is automatically a truly free person.
This is why Moses is described as
‘the servant of God’.

|| Amnon Chaderi, Yeshivat Shilo ||

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